Monday, August 20, 2012

I am the most famous icon on earth

Patriotic Poems

"Old Glory"

I am the most famous icon on earth,
on display all over the world...
standing guard at majestic official buildings,
in courtrooms, churches,
and even on the moon.
I fly from the houses
of families who revere America,
and snap in the breeze on parade.

I stand for freedom, honor, justice,
service, prosperity and power.
My stars and stripes—my red, white and blue,
evoke respect and admiration from the good,
apprehension and fear from the evil.

Sometimes soiled and tattered,
even bloodstained,
I survived the grinding toil of wars,
urging my weary warriors to fight on.
I lie precisely folded,
held by mothers of fallen soldiers
as their fingertips caress me
for comfort and strength.

I am invincible.
I have been burned, spat upon,
trampled and cursed,
but I overcome all
to unfurl, soar, and inspire again.
I am the Star Spangled Banner;
I am Old Glory;
I am the American Flag,
a symbol of freedom, forever.

By Joanna Fuchs

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